We would like to invite you to the economic forum "Doing Business with Germany" on 27.09.2021 (Monday) from 9.30 am in the International Congress Center Burgas organized by GBITC together with the Municipality of Burgas and with the support of Industrial and Logistics Park - Burgas AD.


The initiative aims to present Germany as a place for business, as well as "Best Practices" for working in the German market.


For your participation, online or in person, you can register here:



In connection with the latest order of the Minister of Health, only persons will be admitted to the event who:

     have been vaccinated or have suffered from COVID-19, certified by valid vaccination or disease documents, or
     present a negative result from a PCR or rapid antigen test performed up to 72 hours before entering the site / event (up to 48 hours before entering the site / event). 

We are available for additional questions.

Kind regards,